3.1.1 - Temperature Case

You will now edit your earlier VI, which showed temperature and and overheating LED alarm. You need to add a sound if the temperature exceeds the allowed threshold. For this, a case structure is used.


  • Open Temperature4.vi
  • Save your VI as TemperaturCase.vi
  • Add a case structure within the loop. Connect it to the "Greater than" wire.
  • Add a Beep.vi inside the True case
  • Set "Use system alert" to False
  • Adjust the frequence to e.g. 800 and duration to e.g. 100 ms
  • Set the threshold value high, e.g. 95, to avoid too many beeps
  • Run your VI. Try changing the values for frequency and durationlabview 0231
  • Save your VI
Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013