11: Lego MRI Scanner

Lego MRI Scanner

In this exercise, you will construct a toy model of an MRI scanner. Children who have to undergo an MRI scan, have to lie very still. Unfortunately, the bore, where the patients have to lie during a scan, is very narrow, and the machine itself very noise. Thus, this is a very uncomfortable environment for children and as such, they often need sedation to be able to lie as still as the modality requires.

In order to familiarize the children to the scanner, you will construct a toy model of an MRI scanner using LabView connected to a Lego Mindstorms NXT set.


  • Lego MRI Scanner
  • Webcam
  • USB A/B cable for connecting the Lego Mindstorms NXT brick to your computer
  • The Lego Mindstorms NXT module for LabView 2012 - download it here
    (or ask Samuel, who has it on a USB Stick)

Firstly, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Lego Interface and how to control the motors/buttons from LabView. Then continue with the exercise proper.

The task requirements are as follows:

  • The scanner has to start a scan, when the user presses the front button
  • A scan consists of
    • Moving the table into the scanner
    • Taking a picture of the minifig inside the scanner
    • Matching the picture to a database of all the minifigs and finding the current one + showing a picture of it to the user
      • You can download all the images here
      • Or see each image here
    • Making repetitive sounds
    • Moving the table out again
Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013